As HR or any recruiter you will be told by professional, among the considerations you need to make with any recruitment technology that is new is the candidate’s expertise. Automation is fantastic, but you need to find applicants to apply for your positions. And it all begins with having a smooth, strong and application procedure. We’ve worked with Hundreds of companies to prepare their career site, job board and online application. We talk with applicants that are currently applying on these websites, so we hear firsthand the ways that they triggered and can get frustrated. Listed here are a few of our suggestions for a amazing application procedure.
Brand Your employment website to meet your website
The first thing a Candidate will see when they reach your employment portal is the look and feel of the website. Having logo and your business name is an exceptional beginning, but even better is using a website that matches the navigation and design of your website, to provide a professional impression.
Here are A few live examples of consumer employment websites that we believe provide a constant, clean brand image to the candidate:
- CPanel’s Employment Website
- Bright Automotive’s Employment Website
- Didlake’s Employment Website
- Peak Vista’s Employment Website
Remember that Having does not require your website administrator create the website. Many third party systems for employment sites have the ability to make a skin which matches the site, so it is going to seem consistent to the candidate though it is running on another system.
Make Sure your project information is up-to-date and total
You want to make certain The list of job descriptions and tasks on your site are up-to-date and complete. One of the advantages of an employment website is to allow candidate self-service so that they are not calling your organization up. But if you do not provide the details of your tasks or have jobs on your website, you will be missing one of the advantages of an employment website.
Having a good Applicant tracking system is an fantastic way to be certain that the information on your employment site remains total and up-to-date. You will be able to push it when you post a job. If you near work or alter the details of a project, the change could be made in real time. This sure beats having to submit a petition to upgrade your site whenever your jobs change.
Decide How much you would like to ask of applicants when they apply
When designing your Fields you may ask the candidate so as to apply to fill out. Many organizations simply ask for basic contact information (Name, Address, Phone, and Email) and a Resume, while others may request the candidate to complete a complete Employment Program with different sections for Personal Information, Education, Employment History, References, etc. Others will request basic contact information and ask some screening questions that are job-specific.
There’s no right or You need to weigh the trade-offs, although Incorrect size for an program. In General, the more fields you ask in an online form Have the form that is complete. It is advantageous to collect the information You need rather Later in the procedure. Additionally, many businesses, such as those under OFCCP Are required to review each program and record the review It might be advantageous to restrict programs to those candidates.